What a great lyric to be singing with all this snow. It sure felt like spring at Standing Ovation Theatre’s production of A Year with Frog and Toad Kids this past Saturday at The Village Church of Gurnee. Standing Ovation is a new children’s theatre company to Lake County and Frog and Toad marked one of their first productions. They have a few more shows this spring and summer lined up as well as a choral group.
Frog and Toad Kids is a simple short version of the show, keeping the favorite songs and scenes. The cast ranged from 5 years old to 12 years old. The best part of children’s theatre is when the cast is super excited to perform their show! And this cast sure was! So excited, that the opening number may have been a little rushed, but slowed down to tempo eventually. The set and costumes were very cute and simple, but worked just fine for this simple show. The choreography was a perfect fit for the show and the cast really did a fine job with it.
Stand out performance has to go to Sadie LaBelle who played the snail. Her slow motion run across the stage was fantastic and her vocals matched. Parents in the audience (a very good sized house turn-out) laughed and smiled all the way through the show. A Great sign for children’s theatre!
I look forward to what Erin Ormond, Director and Owner, does next. Gurnee is very fortunate to have an up and coming children’s theatre in their town. Check out what’s next for Standing Ovation at www.standingotheatre.com
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